Sunday, March 4, 2012


What is mig33?
MiG33 is a mobile instant messaging application developed in Australia that runs on GPRS/3G mobile phones with Java support. It has an inbuilt mobile VoIP service and a range of communication tools including chat, SMS and instant messaging. Mig33 also provides facilities to login to Yahoo, MSN, AIM and Google Talk messaging networks from your cellphone and chat with your Yahoo, MSN, AIM and Google Talk contacts.
MIG=Make it GREAT(official full-form of mig33) 

How is it developed and when?
The concept for mig33 is originated in a library  and coffee shops as a way for teens to send text messages as much as they wanted, without the high costs of SMS, by using GPRS/data channel which commonly used to access the mobile Internet. Mig33 was released in December of 2005 as the first global, mobile community, and has quickly spread around the world. Growing on the strength of user recommendations, and bringing the power of Internet to anyone with a mobile phone, more than 40 million users in over 200 countries have joined the mobile community. mig33 is estimated to be the most downloaded application for mobile phone worldwide.The company was founded on the belief that the rise of IP and wireless technologies would redefine the way people connect and build their relationships and communities. mig33 takes advantage of the shift in the telecommunications industry from managing and tariffing the network, to delivering customer services and value.
In short, mig33 is a global mobile  networking community that lets you keep in touch with friends and family through a variety of online services, right on your mobile phone.

Who is the owner of mig33?
Steven Goh, Co-Founder and CEO

Steven is CEO and co-Founder of mig33, the global mobile Internet community that opens instant communications up to everyone in the world with a mobile phone in an integrated interface.
Steven has extensive experience in developing and delivering compelling internet services for consumers, having founded both mig33 and Sanford Securities Pty Ltd, Australia’s first online stockbroking company. Steven went on to co-found Project Goth Pty Ltd, the holding company to mig33. The goal was to build a mobile Internet community by connecting consumers via mobile phones using popular Internet applications, such as instant messaging, chat rooms, VoIP, photo sharing, e-mail and more. The first product, X-TXT had limited success and was discontinued in 2005. A lot of learnings from X-TXT were applied to the development of mig33. Since its release at the end of 1995, mig33 has attracted more than 6 million users in over 200 countries, based on its compelling value proposition, ease of use and entertainment value. In 2007, Steven moved the company from Australia to Silicon Valley, and secured additional funding for its growth from top tier venture capital firms including Accel and Redpoint.Steven received both a Bachelor of Commerce and an MBA from the University of Western Australia.

Where can we find mig33?
Many of the Youths of the World are too much crazy about mig33. As mig33 is a global mobile chatting application here I have listed all mig33 versions which you can download here and are updated time to time. To see what is mig and to download all versions of mig33 click here.

MIG33 Emotes Command List
I have listed all available and latest free Mig Emotes Command Lists in this page. Just get it for free and enjoy ultimate emote command fun in Mig33 chat rooms, private and in groups. Most of the Mig33 emote commands listed were actually published on 2008-2009, but still on 2010 all these mig33 emote commands are working and I’ve added some new emote commands with them too. You can send any of the following emotes in mig33 chat! An emote is a short text command that allows you to fully express yourself. It’s a very stylish and modern trick to be smart in mig33 chat with by using these emote commands.

You can simply send these emote commands to anyone in private or in room and also you can add a mig33 username alone with emote commands. For using emote commands with a username, the format is /emote username , where emote is anyone given below and username is the mig33 username present in chat room/private/group. For example, if your name is X and your friend name is Y, then if you send /cry Y , the generated message will be like this **X is crying over Y’s shoulder**

Here is a list of best Mig33 emotes:

/agree /cmon /gasp /lag /ruffle /squirt
/apologizes /comfort /gee /laugh /salute /stare
/argh /confuse /giggle /listen /scream /strut
/bark /congrat /glare /loser /seduce /tag
/bearhug /cringe /gn /love /shiver /tantrum
/beer /cry /greet /martian /shmoo /thank
/beg /doh /grin /miss /shrug /tpyo
/blink /drool /groan /mmm /shy /warcry
/blowk /drunk /happy /moo /sick /wave
/blush /duck /hfive /mumble /sigh /whistle
/boo /eek /hiccup /nod /slap /whop
/bored /eh /hmm /phew /smile /wink
/bow /embrace /hold /pinch /smirk /wohoo
/brb /faint /honor /poke /sneeze /worship
/burp /fart /howl /ponder /snore /worthy
/caff /firebreath /hug /power /snuggle /yawn
/cheer /flirt /hum /purr /sorry /yeah
/chicken /french /joy /relax /spit
/chuckle /frown /kiss /rose /spock

Here are mig33 Olympic Games 2008 Emotes:

/challenge    /win  /gold /lose /medal /go
/luck   /beibei    /jingjing   /huanhuan   /yingying       /nini
/welcome   /winner  /torch /proud /cheers /taunt
/champion /record /frenzy

Mig33 Football Emote commands:

Here is the list of Football emote commands. Just send this in room or in some one’s private and see. If you want a username to display with this try to send like this format /kick username, where username is the id that you are private or who is in room or in any group chat.
The mig33 emote command /offside should be use only in group chat or in someone’s private and mig33 emote command /handball should be use alone with a mig33 username.

Mig33 Custom Emote commands:

You can send any of your message in RED color. For that just type /me before your message. For example, My name is X if i type /me going to kick, it will come in screen as X going to kick. Now just type any thing like this and enjoy. Cheers.. This is one way to make all users listen to what you saying, because you message is in red color.

Mig33 Fortune emote command:

mig33 has developed a new emote command which you can send, but the message displayed will be random(different messages will come in each time)and in RED color with symbol ** on either sides. Also your name will not be displayed in eralier days, due to excessive abuse of this in the form of flooding in mig33 chat rooms, mig33 staffs have made some updates and thereby your username will be visible to all if you use it now. The emote command for this is /fortune . You can see amazing different messages displayed each time you send it.

Mig33 Random Emote Command:

Mig33 has developed new emote command in which message is in red color. Your username won’t be attached to the message in earlier days, but now they made some update and so your username also will be visible with the message. This emote command for this is /8ball
You can download these free mig33 latest emote commands to your pc or to your mobile just by copy and past it in a text file and can use it at any time in mig33 later. If you have any doubts about Mig33 emote commands and it’s usage, feel free to ask it through the comment form given below. Enjoy !….. 
Chatting and making friends 
There are a few options to chat on mig33. You can choose to chat in private with the friends in your contact or go to a public chat room.

  Alternatively you can also chat with your friends on 3rd party IMs or invite them to mig33.
- To chat with your friend, go to your contact list > pick a friends > Menu > Private Chat

Or to chat in a public room, scroll to the “Chat Rooms” tab and pick a room.

You can enter the room as long as the maximum capacity has not been reached. Chat Rooms provides venue for our users to gather together, to chat and meet new friends from all over the world. In mig33 there are public rooms where users can enter and private rooms where users create to have their own little talks.To do a search for a room, just go to the “Chat Rooms” tab > Menu > Search Rooms
- Enter the name of the room you’re looking for (spelling must be accurate) > Search

You can even create your own chat room by going to the “Chat Rooms” tab > Menu > Create Room.
- Enter your prefered room name and configure the settings to your liking.

Mig level 10 is needed for you to be able to create new chatrooms. The higher your migLevel, the larger the room becomes.

A common chatroom or lobby is a default chatroom that is linked to your new group.Group owners / moderators can link/unlimited chatrooms to their groups.Once the chatroom is linked, only group members can join and chat. To link your chatroom, login to mig33 > go to Menu > Groups and Find your existing group > select Chatrooms then choose the option  - Link/unlink

You can edit your chatroom settings through your mobile > “Chat Rooms” > pick the room you own > Menu >  Room Info (only through phone) > from here you can choose to configure the following:

While you’re on private chat with the abuser, go to Menu > Block & Mute User.

Blocking a user is the fastest and most efficient way to stop someone who is causing trouble.

To remove users that you may have blocked accidentally, login to mig33 > Menu > Settings (only through phone) > Privacy > Manage Block List > Select user > Unblock/Unblock All

You cannot delete a chatroom that you’ve created however if the room remains inactive for 3 months, it will be automatically removed from our system.
         Top 10 mig33 users around our society

1.        ID:
         NAME: Ashish acharya
         MiG level :70
         Member since :17 May 2010 
          Facebook id:Dallay babu 

       2.         ID:
   NAME: Baikuntha  dhakal
    MiG level :70
    Member since :5 June 2010
      Facebook id:Master-Mind Dhakal

  3.  ID:
         NAME: Sikhar thapa
         MiG level : 67
         Member since :
         Facebook id: LeeanIxx Magarien

  4.        ID:
         NAME: Yand thapa
         MiG level : 62
         Member since :7 August 2009
         Facebook id:  Yan Dthapa

  5.        ID:
         NAME: Abishek gyawali
         MiG level :62
         Member since :5 August 2009
         Facebook id:   Mad Apichek

6.       ID:
       NAME: Deepak acharya
       MiG level :58
       Member since: 
       Facebook id:  Dpak Acharya

 7.      ID:
         NAME: Amrit shahi thakuri
         MiG level :53
         Member since: 23 March 2009
                    Facebook id:   Amrit Shahi Thakuri

                   8.  ID:
         NAME: Ajay chhetri
         MiG level :52
         Member since :
         Facebook id:  Ajay chhetri

             9.       ID: jannat,jaha
                    NAME: Ashish Ghimire
                    MiG level :49
                    Member since: 
                    Facebook id:  Ashish Ghimire

          10.       ID: carnival_7
                   NAME: Aananda Gaire
                  MiG level :47
                  Member since: 15 October 2010
                  Facebook id:   Ananda Gaire